Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No mercy

Ok ok ok it's finally out!! For all you babys out there BAP has brought us nothing but pleasure and this time is no exception!! I just love everything about this video and im sure you will too!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No mercy

Show no mercy for B.A.P's new song! The teaser, although short, already shows you how fantastic and amazing the full version is! Here just listen....

Friday, July 6, 2012

My dear friend

This song is so adorable! Every time I go back and watch it I just can't help but smile. In the song U-kiss are singing with fun light heartedness and it displays clips from what they've done, some make you laugh some make you smile. But my dear friend one thing is for sure U-kiss has done great~!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sexy, Free, and Single for real

OMG! Get ready for this elfs.... The real thing is out! Boy did Super Junior deliver on this one!? Not only did they bring back Kagin but everyone has a very fresh new look that I  think is really awesome!  The song was a instant click and replay one for me definitely a 10 out of 10!